Dear Jessica,
I just wanted to say a massive thank you for your time this morning.
I very much enjoyed meeting you and I very much wish I’d met you sooner.
Thank you again from the bottom of my heart.
CR – private client.
Dear Jessica
THANK YOU SO MUCH for coming to Suffolk and delivering such a masterful workshop for our Advancing Leaders ! WOWEE ! You blew our minds ! The session with **** was immense – I have never witnessed anything quite like it however she seemed afterwards to have appreciated it a great deal . I imagine it will take time to sink in however she was bubbly by the time we wrapped , albeit saying she was exhausted .Beyond that there were many takeaways that we discussed after you left and everyone left feeling positive and I think ‘changed’ !!
So THANK YOU again – I will be in touch
Warm regards and very best wishes
David- Group Chair
I just want to drop you a line to say thank you. We went on our holiday and it was literally amazing it was like travelling with a different person. On the lead up to going on a plane ‘X’ would usually stress and mention the flight most days for the lead up weeks. This time not a word really calm. Even my daughter mentioned to me. Then on the day travelling to the airport, waiting, getting in the plane nothing. She sat down put your download relax audio on from your website and slept for 2 hours!! It was crazy. On the way back exactly the same. She is usually worse on the way back! Even to the point the plane taxied off to take off and there was a issue with the plane so they had to taxi back to stand and we had to wait an 1 hour on the plane while they sorted it. ‘X’ of old would have been off that plane and not got back on. Again she was concerned but accepted it and was fine. I asked ‘X’ how she felt after the flights and she said she still does not like flying but is now ok with it. Which is great. I can’t thank you enough not only for helping my wife through something she found so traumatic. (Taking a holiday felt almost trawl!) but for my family as we can now enjoy the world together.
Thank you.
Private client.
Nice to hear from you.
We were delighted when H told us he’d made contact. Thank you so much for seeing him. He seems to be really reflecting on all that was said during the session. He seems a lot lighter, to be making some needed decisions and very appreciative of your wisdom. Thanks so much for the support and care you’ve given us all and the difference you’ve made to our family.
Private client.
I am so glad that I eventually persuaded my Co-Chair, to have a session with you to help his self-confidence. The results have been amazing. Our members and staff at Head office have all commented on how he has grown in confidence and is more self-assured. So well done and Thank You.
Group Chair.
Such an amazing experience, thank you so much.
Private client.
To hold the attention of 16 well-seasoned CEO’s for 8 hours with just a voice is a rare gift…I didn’t miss a single word.
Group member.
The ability to take a huge subject like this and reduce it to such a practical and powerful process is genius. If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I would have found it hard to believe that such profound change can take place in such a short period of time right in front of our eyes.
Group member.
That was a masterclass in listening with all the senses …… ears, eyes, heart and a 6th sense, reflecting without addition and allowing silence to exist and do the heavy lifting.
Group chair
Amazing session, well worth the time, even as a sceptic
If you want a wow factor, then it doesn’t get any better than this – Blown away. Without doubt, the best speaker with the most impact in my 6 years at Vistage.
It was the best speaker I have ever seen.
Jessica was fantastic. One of the best speakers that I have heard in the 5 years that I have been a member of Vistage.
Outstanding. Jessica took our group to a whole new level of vulnerability and self-development.
Overall invaluable experience Jessica was amazing and i feel so grateful to have met her.
She was brilliant and connected with the whole group. Exactly the right speaker for a retreat.
The level of engagement that Jessica created was amazing. The benefits of her work to the group were incredible.
This speaker gets 500% Life changing is not enough praise
Thank you Jessica!
Comments from retreat members.
Absolutely fascinating.
Thank for a great session. Thank you for the work you did with M and I.
Group Chairman.
A phenomenal and highly impactful speaker. Really good idea to focus on the psychological aspects of leaders in order to address effectiveness.
A spellbinding experience and a totally authentic speaker – brilliant –
A winner with our Group.
Excellent, thought provoking and deployable immediately
Wow, what an eyeopener. there is so much to learn and so little time to learn. Purchased Jessica’s book. Never been hypnotized before, didn’t think it was possible. Can’t stop thinking about the presentation!
Chairman and group member comments.
Booked Jessica for the 3rd time and while the subject and activity are far from the usual speaker workshop the group really enjoy getting into this topic. Can see how this is good for a retreat.
Jessica presents in a very assured and confident way with a good level of personal experience and stories from her clients. This is a deep and often very personal workshop. It would work well for a retreat but it also works as a half day workshop but she will only be able to work with one maximum 2 members directly on a half day. This session includes relaxation techniques and she works with the group in a semi-circle not at the desk. All my members found this fascinating and enlightening. It’s generally quite different to a usual model/concept based leadership workshop but I like having these once in a while. She shares her techniques at the end in a handout.
Group Chair
Hi Jess,
Thanks for your outstanding session on Friday. The group all loved your session (everyone gave it a 10 the first time that I’ve ever seen that). The energy in the room was fantastic.
It reminded of what a unique and valuable session that is.
You have a quick and powerful way of help individuals to overcome profound limiting beliefs which were set up sometime way in their past. It was a wonderful experience to be part of the process.
The group loved the session and you scored straight 10 from everyone: a remarkable and well-earned result.
Peter Pritchett
To advise feedback from your recent meeting –
V34, 19th May
Excellent scores of 100% for content and 100% for delivery
Other than getting married, and the birth of my three children, this was one of the biggest days of my life and will impact on the rest of my days for better
Exceptionally powerful presentation, which had many in the group in tears. Calm, measured and beautifully controlled presentation without playing to the gallery
Best wishes
Speaker Bureau & Knowledge Centre Coordinator
Just a formal email to again thank you for a fantastic session you gave to V34 at our recent Retreat meeting. The members have been talking about the session so much. I cannot thank you enough for the way you handled and worked with the guys. Your experience, added to a truly professional attitude, made the session the unbelievable success it was.
Your feedback marks (out of ten) from the members, are as follows: I AM NOT SURE I CAN REMEMBER SUCH HIGH SCORES FOR A SPEAKER SESSION !
How valuable was this presentation to you?
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
How successful was the speaker at communicating her ideas to you?
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
You can’t get better than a 10 out of 10 ! Although one person (you can probably guess from his in-depth session) actually marked you 20 out of 10 !
Bruce Garland
Group Chairman
Vistage International (UK) Ltd
tel: 02476 395552
mobile: 07831 887835
Hello Jessica
It was great speaking to you and I am delighted that we are working together next year.
Jessica, I knew I had a story to tell you. You might remember B. who was in my group when we worked together last year and his self limiting belief which affected all areas of his life and especially his personal life. Well he finally did it and got married and he has just had his first child. The coaching that you did with him worked a treat. He told me that your workshop was the most valuable programme he had ever taken. It was really life changing.
I am excited and really looking forward to working again next year and I know my group are in for a treat.
Keep up the great work that you do, you are an inspiration.
Best wishes
Ashley Latter “The Selling Coach”
Ashley Latter Limited
Telephone 0161 280 5837 & Dental Website
Follow Ashley on twitter(latterash) & Face book
Hi Jessica thank you very much it was a fantastic day. 9.5 actually. Cleared a lot of things for a lot of people. Speak soon.
Alan Branagh.
Hi Jess
Once again it was great speaking to you today. You have been an inspiration to me this year. The workshop you delivered for my group was first class and the feedback has been incredible. I am trying now to get another group off the ground and I will definitely be booking your services again.
Ashley Latter. The Selling Coach.
Good evening Jessica,
I wanted to let you know the profound effect your session at V22 on Thursday has had on me.
I am naturally a very cynical person, so if anyone had told me that 20 minutes under hypnosis could change my life I would have suggested they head for the loony bin. I have found myself, calmer, slower, much more relaxed and able to appreciate the here and now rather than chasing the next thing on offer. You have helped plant some sort of mental self checking mechanism which is incredible. I had the best walk with my dog ever this morning as I wasn’t thinking about how quickly we could finish.I find I am more attentive to my family rather than rushing through conversations. My wife in particular is delighted with her new husband.
Awesome stuff. I feel absolutely brilliant. You are a remarkable lady and thank you so much for imparting your skills into my life it has and will make a big difference.
Barry Minal. Vistage Member.
Dear Jessica
It has been a real pleasure to work with you again over the last couple of days. All of us were extremely impressed with your session and your attitude. With my very best wishes.
Edmund Johnstone.
Dear Jessica,
You scored very highly with the group, averaging 9.0. I believe we will be looking at organising a return visit in the not too distant future. I also believe you helped the group develop to another level – thank you! Kind Regards.
Gary Boyce. Academy Chairman
Dear Jessica,
Very many thanks for coming to speak to my ACE Group 11 last Wednesday and as ever, you are the epitome of professionalism and caused all of us to really think about the issue and in particular, our legacy. I didn’t need reminding of your outstanding coaching skills but it was nonetheless hugely enjoyable to be in your company and listen to your wisdom. Best regards. Joe D Adams,Chairman for Group 11 & Leaders Forum 6
Dear Jessica
Sorry to be slow in saying a HUGE THANK YOU for your input last week… The feedback from all the members has been tremendous – and more than that, I know how, anxious /sceptical a number of them were and EVERYONE heartfelt acknowledged that they benefitted and ‘got lots from it’. Big hug.
Karen Gray BSc(Hons) FCIM MCIPR MCIPD. Academy Chairman.
Hi Jessica
Thank you for the session yesterday (with Ashley Latter) things have really changed in a very short space of time I feel a lot lighter and like a burden has been lifted. It was like I had been living a paradox before really working hard against this limiting belief. Now things feel so much easier. so thank you. I have studied quite a bit of hypnosis and not come across anything like this system.
N. (Client of Ashley Latter)
Dear Jessica
Thank you for a great session with V58 at their retreat. All of the members found this to be extremely challenging. There has definitely been a marked improvement in their level of support, challenge and empathy with each other since you left and they are a much closer and stronger group as a result of your input. As you know it took many years to bring this group to this point and I am extremely pleased with the result. Best regards. Yours sincerely.
Edmund Johnston.
Dear Jessica
Thank you for an excellent session with V26 yesterday. All of us felt that it was an extremely thought provoking and worthwhile session and we all took away many action points. In terms of ratings the overall score for communication was 92% and for value 93%. These are among the highest ratings ever recorded by this group. Everyone felt that you developed the session in a very caring and safe way leaving members feeling very comfortable about discussing their innermost fears and concerns. It has been a real pleasure to work with you again and hopefully we will have another opportunity to work together in the future. Thanks again. Best regards. Yours sincerely.
Edmund Johnston.
Dear Jessica,
THANK you for an inspirational day today. The feedback in the afternoon from your session was awesome.† At 51 years of age, I have experienced many things but what I participated in this morning was life changing. You really are an amazing human being and more so for your willingness to give so generously of both your time and knowledge. You gave the group so many things to think about. Thank you again for an amazing morning.
Love. V. P x (Client Ashley Latter)
Good morning Jessica, Good to meet you too and thank you for setting the ‘height of the bar’ on the first day. Put simply, Day 2 continued raising it. Your scores, by the way equal the groups previous best – so well done. I look forward to including you in V65’s programme i and to meeting and working with you again. Yours as aye.
Julian Cook. Vistage Group Chairman.
Hi Jessica,
I am writing to say what a super job you did for my clients last week. I have various feedback from some of the delegates and they were very impressed with what you did. In particular ***** who was very complimentary. I was shocked to be honest, I would have thought he would have been the last person who would participated. Love Ash xxx. Ashley Latter. The Selling Coach
Dear Jessica
To advise the feedback from your recent session with V26 –
Great scores of 93% from the members, 92% for the content and 94% for delivery, with an average of 93%.
Comments from the members included:
Would have liked session to extend to 2nd day. Great learning.
Jessica is an amazing person
Interesting. The relaxation techniques very useful.
Speaker Programme Coordinator
Dear Jessica
To advise the feedback from your recent session with V22
Great scores of 87% from the members, 82% for the content and 90% for delivery, giving an average of 86.3%.
Comments from the members included:
· Very powerful stuff, opened my eyes to hypnosis
· Life changing
· Great session, I hope I can continue to see the benefit
· Good session, hopefully valued to all
Speaker Programme Coordinator
Hi Jessica,
It will come as no surprise to you that these are just some of the words the Members came up with to describe your session and I concur whole heartedly, thank you for sharing not only your knowledge and expertise with us but also so much of your self and your irrepressible humor. Yours is a very rare and special talent which we were privileged to be exposed to and again thank you.For the record, you have set new standards in the group’s scoring with 9.7/10 for relevance and value and 9.6/10 for style and impact well done.
Richard M Bosworth
‘What If?’ Specialist
Hi Jessica,
Just wanted to thank you again for the life changing couple of days last week at the Red Lion. I’ve noticed massive changes in how I think and feel, eat and sleep! It couldn’t have happened at a better time for me as I’m facing some tough decisions business wise for the future, and I now feel clear headed, calm, and able to make it happen. Nobody has ever made such a dramatic change to the quality of my life in such a short space of time. I will use the CD and take what I’ve learnt from you into my everyday life. It was also a pleasure to get to know you and have a couple of beers, it was all good fun!
Thanks again
Paul Marshall
Managing Director Marshall Arts
Thank you so very much for your efforts with the Group on Tuesday evening and Wednesday.
The marks on the evaluation forms are largely incidental but nevertheless do reflect a session of great value to the individuals. The scores are approximately 90% and that is top slot for this group.
To see *** & ****** open up the way they did was quite something because they have had large amounts of stress in their businesses recently & they were bruised as a consequence.
After you had gone the remainder of the day was quite different from normal. They were emotionally drained but very calm and thoughtful. We tackled issues for two hours, had a break, had a much better dinner from both a location and choice perspective, and they were still doing issues for each other at 10.30 pm. We went through the outcome from the previous evening where they had to choose which member had been at 21,000 feet, was a tap dance teacher, or a motor cross champion and they were stunned by the rich mixture of interests which people had.
A Retreat is a time for the Group members to become more aware about themselves and to get a greater understanding about what makes their colleagues tick. With your help we achieved all that & more. Thank you.
Regards David D’Arcy
North East Chairman
Vistage International (UK) Ltd.
8 9 or 10 says it all so many thanks for again giving the group an excellent session with lots of fun interest and value. The key point was that everyone got lots of value from the morning. That is all a chairman can ask for. Thanks very much indeed and I look forward to seeing you again soon.
Best Wishes
Alan Sanders
Dear Jessica. Thank you so much for your session yesterday. You will be delighted to know that the average marks were 9.5. – no-one gave below 9! A great tribute to your skill, ability and passion. Thank you so much. Warm regards.
Brian Chernett. Founder ofThe Academy for Chief Executives.
Dear Jessica,
We got a lot out of your session. Even the most sceptical commented . . . “surprisingly very good!”I thought you were terrific and very much look forward to your next session with my Leaders Forum Group. Best Regards.
Joe Adams
“Jessica – your sessions are always amazing and it is always great to see you!” – Harold Sharples.
HS Associates“
This is just a quick line to express my sincere gratitude for your time last Thursday and for the effect it has had on me. You have changed the way I think about myself and the vision I have for myself, and have given me the clarity of thought which had previously eluded me. I now have a yardstick against which I can judge my actions and which will form the basis of my plans for the future. This is absolutely priceless.” –
I. H. Financial controller. Accountancy firm. (private client)
“Your session was something very special. Some of my team have been on to me to give their thanks for ‘life-changing experiences’ (their words). I thought that it was phenomenal, you use your abilities with great skill, sensitivity and intelligence.” – Peter Hills Chairman ACE group 18 Leaders Forum group 5. Academy for Chief Executives
“Carry on being an inspiration to all, you do it so well.” –
Lorraine C. (Private client)
“Our philosophy of “work life balance” has never been better demonstrated than your visit to our office. Your session had an unshackling effect on the whole team. The realisation we all have anchors to deep rooted past experiences which can limit our day to day potential has been transformational. As your work is hard to describe, I had to simply ask my staff to “trust me” when I recommended you. They did. As a result the work ethic here has changed from efficient to creative exciting and rewarding. We have had a £400,000.00 order closed by a sales administrator, before your visit this same person was intimidated by telephone calls from buyers! I think we got our money`s worth.” –
Roy Jones MD Vega Corp.Ltd.
“Jessica – you are the angel who lifted me to my feet when my wings had trouble remembering how to fly. Thank you.” –
Tim Hancock Chief Executive of Roger Hancock Ltd.
“I feel I have to write to say that you have had, and continue to have a profound effect on my business life, and my personal growth. Through your excellent skills, ( which I have been privileged to see you apply to others to the same effect ), you have made me believe in myself and what I am here to accomplish, given me the confidence to stand tall and believe in my personal worth. I was so amazed at your effectiveness that when I asked you to coach my 12 year old son who had had a tough time due to his long term illness I had my heart in my mouth as to just what you could achieve. The resultant change in Andrew’s attitude to life, the growth in his own self esteem was a joy to see and still brings tears to my eyes to see such a positive change in a child. Thank you Jessica you are truly exceptional, I hope you will have a long life as you have so much to bring to others as you travel through life.” –
Alex Lancashire . A.J. Benson Ltd.
“To create a successful business and home life you need confidence, balance and the ability to see things from a different perspective. I have learnt a lot from Jessica and the process has always been very enjoyable. If you’re willing to learn and to challenge yourself then Jessica will help you to get to where you want to go” –
S V Founding Partner INDUSTRY.
“I met Jessica in a dark period of my life when my business was a disaster and colleagues were deserting me. Jessica Richards is unique in the corporate world. Through her insight and talent I was able to move forward in a positive way and I have never looked back. Do not be sceptical and do not be afraid of opening up your core thoughts. It is only by facing your fears you will move on. Jessica can hold up the mirror so you can see your true self and make the necessary changes. The Jessica Richards experience is one that should be compulsory for all business leaders.” – Steve Feery, Livespace Limited—
“I want to thank you for one of the most impactful and valuable speaker sessions we have had in nearly four years. In addition to that it was great that you could join us the evening before. We really enjoyed your company. Your session was one of those rare sessions where you actually discover something really new and profound. The technique of relaxation really worked for me very powerfully, to the point where I was still feeling the effects two days later! Also the fuller experience of looking at my own issue and accessing the cause we identified was very powerful. The solution is very simple and yet I couldn’t see it before, and had no way of accessing it. We had a short discussion in the afternoon and similar thoughts were being expressed by the guys. I look forward to hearing of your new session and will be definitely wanting you to return to us to take us through it.” –
Tim Anderson.
“Totally unprepared for what to expect I found the session a simple but startlingly effective and calming way of realigning my sense of purpose and long term life goals.”
“Wow, what a session! I know that both you and I went into this with a little trepidation(3rd meeting of a new group, one new member and one guest there……) but it worked just as well as the previous ones with my ‘old hands’, and got excellent marks (9s and 10s)
Everyone enjoyed your style and humour, the relaxation exercise and your overall presentation. But it was the practical session that really made us sit up and take notice. The two members who worked on their issues with you got a tremendous amount of value from the day, as did those of us who were privileged to witness the session.
I have spoken to both X and Y since and they have been rather taken aback at how powerful and valuable the experience has been for them (How could so much change have been achieved so quickly on issues that they have been avoiding/working around for years?) A great truly life changing day. Thank you.”
Peter Pritchett
Chairman ACE group 5 Leaders Forum group 2. Academy for Chief Executives
“I have never changed my mind so fast and so radically about anyone as when I first met Jessica Richards in 2001. She was the speaker at my first meeting of the Academy for Chief Executives and I was completely sceptical in regards to any benefits from her presentation involving hypnotherapy.
At that session and at each of the subsequent occasions when I have chaired groups to whom Jessica has presented, her performance in helping leaders of companies exorcise deep seated problems has bee nothing short of astonishing. Our North East Chief executives group was so impressed that they requested her as speaker at their retreat only one month after her first presentation to them.
The feedback forms from the participants at Jessica’s sessions invariably include a clutch of the scarce ‘awesome’ scores and she does it all with great skill, insight, compassion and humour.
In addition, by challenging me on a one- to- one basis, Jessica changed my view of myself and hence the priorities in my life.
Need I say more?”
Nick Jackson
Jessica is our most sought after speaker. She is a brilliant exponent of her art.
Brian Chernett
“Thanks for my last coaching session. It’s now three weeks since I was with you and there have been none of my outbursts! In every situation I’ve felt completely in control of my emotions… Time is a great healer and I can already see my work relationships strengthen as my reactions become more constructive and focused.”
Jason Kenworthy. MD SMD Textiles Ltd.
Dear Jessica,
What can I say, you are amazing.
You left me feeling so good that I forgot your card, the cd, the sheet of tips etc. . . . by the time I realised I had left the items with you, I was too far away to return so thanks for sending them on.
As I said at the time, you achieved in 3 hours what the very talented Tony Robbins failed to do in three days, and it was in a relaxed, friendly and comfortable environment.
Thank you. I look forward so much to seeing you again.
You are very special & you have a new true believer in your abilities.
Very best wishes to you Jessica.
Thanks again.
Adrian Pepin
Really great session yesterday. Your ability to communicate the subject and to demonstrate how you coach people the way you do is quite outstanding.
The scores speak for themselves – the average was 9.2 (one 10 and the rest 9s).
Many thanks. Kind regards
What can I say Jess – another fantastic session, thank you!
I don’t think that I need say any more – I hope that you appreciated the great feedback that the group gave on the day. Well done, you trouper!
See you next month
(Peter Pritchett, Academy Group Chairman)
Hi Jessica,
Just wanted to say thanks again for my 1:1 I have to keep smiling when something happens, and I react totally differently (or not at all…)
It was a real pleasure seeing you again, and an inspirational couple of days.
Looking forward to seeing you again,
Paul Marshall