Wolf Seminars

No problem can be solved wit the same consciousness that created it.
Albert Einstein

Jessica’s interest in nature and leadership have led her to combine the two.
This series of seminars is a collaboration with animal behaviour expert Phil Watson and the wolves at the Anglian Wolf Society.

Jessica’s extensive experience in the business environment, working with Chief Executives both in groups and one to one sessions, makes a powerful combination with Phil Watson’s experience and expertise in animal behaviour and behaviour modification. This enables them to offer you the unique experience of translating live business and personnel issues into the paradigm of the wolf and its group social structure and then relating the learning back into the corporate environment.

The purpose of this seminar

You will learn about wolf leadership, hierarchy systems, body language and signs, conflict resolution, survival and social behaviour. You will discover the differences and similarities wolf packs, business and corporate organisations. You will experience leadership and team issues translated into wolf pack behaviour and develop strategies and outcomes. How to communicate without spoken language. How do you or your company fit in with the hierarchical dartboard. You will benefit from addressing common issues from a completely different frame of reference.
All the wolves are socialised to human beings to take away their fear of us and to enable them to live a full and satisfying life. As ambassadors for their kind, they are busy winning hearts and minds in the battle for the survival of their species.

Profile Jessica Richards

Jessica sharing her affection with a cute wolf pup.

Jessica Richards is a Leadership Development Specialist and Mentor who works internationally with CEOs to help them achieve their greater potential.

Jessica works as a personal transformation specialist and peak performance coach with people who are committed to finding their “true north” – their unique and personal direction through life. Using a combination of hypnotherapy as well as other leading-edge development approaches, she helps people to change their lives and learn how to support change in those around them.
For over thirty years – including the last 26 in Harley Street – Jessica has been developing ‘accelerated solutions’ approaches for people in all walks of life who need to experience rapid change. From working intensively with thousands of clients in both clinical and corporate settings, she has developed personal transformation strategies that add impact and momentum and help people make sustainable progress in life. Jessicas’ ‘Visions and Legacies Retreats’ are noted for being”Profound, life changing experiences.”

From her personal interest in animal behaviour and the natural world Jessica recognised the learning that could be achieved by combining these with business and organisational leadership issues. This has led to the development of the ‘Leadership and the Natural World’ seminars which are currently held on site at the Anglian Wolf Society.

Her work in individual settings, as well as in workshops or on retreats, is always incisive, practical and solutions-focused.

Profile Phil Watson

Phil Watson and a couple of his wolf friends.

Phil Watson is the chairman and founder of the Anglian Wolf Society, an organisation founded in 2000 to raise funds for European wolf conservation and to study and teach all aspects of canine behaviour. He left college in 1978 with a degree and a teaching diploma in music and worked as a music teacher for four years. Due to his involvement with recording studio work and the design and maintenance of electronic musical instruments whilst at college, he quickly found himself in demand as an electronics and software engineer and spent five years running his own design and consultancy business.

Family changes then prompted a move into the IT industry where he worked for the next eighteen years. The last four years were spent working part time as the demands of running the Anglian Wolf Society and an increasing workload as a canine behaviour consultant began to consume more of his time and attention. Since May 2005, in addition to running the Society, he has worked full time as a dog trainer and behaviourist and is now considered by many to be the foremost authority in Britain on wolf and canine behaviour. He is married and has two young sons.

Delegates benefited from having business issues translated into wolf behaviour and then back into human format fully utilizing the extensive skills and experience of Phil and Jessica vast experience working with corporate individuals.

Workshops are held on site at the Anglian Wolf Society in Bedfordshire countryside in the company of Jessica, Phil our co- facilitators Nisga the dog and the wolves, Peyto, Chezza, Sefka, Kaya and Aiyana.

For more information email Jessica via the form on the contact page or contact her directly by telephone on +44 (0)20 7580 297 or +44 (0)7739801051.